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Release Notes: August 8, 2023

What’s New Reports v2 | Customization and PersonalizationFor those firms we’ve enabled, we’ve had great feedback about our Reports v2 - thank you to everybody who let us know what they like and where they’d like more. This sprint, we’ve released a couple of upgrades:Firm Managers can now set a firm-wide Report Theme Color within V2 Reports by picking from a color palette or entering RGBA, hex, or HSLA values. Click here for more information. We’ve added an option under the Parameters step of report generation, allowing users to select between Landscape or Portrait orientation for the report. We expect to release Reports v2 to all firms in the coming weeks.Client Experience | Mobile app: multiple users can access householdContinuing our focus on our mobile users, we’ve deployed two quality-of-life improvements:Investor Portal users with access to multiple households can now easily switch between households within the app, making it easier to obtain information needed without having to log out and log in again as different users.  Mobile users can now manage their profile details (e.g., name/email/phone number) and preferences (e.g., two-factor authentication preferences) from within the app. What’s Improved In the Document Vault, the “By Household” document view has been moved to the left navigation as one of Folders options, directly under “All Documents,” and removed from the tabs at the top of the page. 

Release Notes: August 1, 2023

Special Release! Next-Generation Reports from CircleBlack CircleBlack is delighted to release the first phase of our next-generation Reports v2.The first phase -- our “Beta Version” -- includes a refreshed look-and-feel to our PDF reports, a more streamlined process for generating reports using templates, and additional parameters for more intuitive grouping of data. In the coming weeks, we’ll be introducing a new report Landing page that will allow Advisors to easily create and re-use report templates as well as the ability to customize report cover pages.When Advisors login and go through the normal Report generation workflow, look for the “Client Portfolio Report - Beta Version” in the Report type drop down menu. Reports generated from this option will have the new look and feel and the new template workflow.    An important note: the existing CircleBlack PDF reports will remain in place alongside the new reports for the next few months as we continue to rollout our new reporting features. Many thanks to our customers who participated in and guided the design and development of these reporting tools, and, of course, to the many individuals and teams at CircleBlack who contributed to this milestone as we strive to be the most customer-focused and easiest to work with Advisor Platform.Let us know what you think! Please send feedback to the Customer Success Team at Phase 1 - Reports v2 Highlights: Updated the look and feel of reports, improving clarity and reducing content spilling over pages. Increased data density ensures the information you want is front and center. Additional parameters for developing reports, including the ability to choose multiple parameters to use as parent/sub-groupings. Savable and editable custom templates - once configured to their liking, advisors can choose to update the current template or save the configuration as a new template.To get started with Reports v2, click here.For a general overview of Reports v2 and update Reporting help articles, click here.

Release Notes: July 26, 2023

What’s New Client Experience | Enable Multi-User Investor Portal AccessTo help advisors serve the growing number of households with sophisticated needs, we’ve enhanced our capabilities around multiple logins for the same household.  Enabled unique login credentials for family members (such as a spouse or child) who need access to the investor portal, increasing security and usability. Provide convenient access rights management so trusted agents such as accountants and lawyers can be given access when needed, and removed when needed. Implemented multi-household ownership structures; for example, business owners who share a corporate account can access the shared account but be able to switch to their personal and private accounts with ease. Mobile app: Users of the mobile application can now update their own profile and preferences Click here for more information on multiple members of a household access the investor portal.Accounts Architecture | Investor Portal Managed vs. UnmanagedTo help give advisors a ‘single pane of glass’ view of investors’ portfolios, we’ve improved our capabilities to include and exclude managed and unmanaged accounts from dashboards, widgets, and reporting. Firms can designate accounts as either “Managed” or “Unmanaged,” which will be easily identifiable by an icon next to the account name. In the Investor portal, users can view their portfolio, account dashboards, and accompanying widgets by toggling the display/inclusion of “All Accounts,” “Managed Accounts,” or “Unmanaged Accounts.” Click here for more information on the Investor Portals managed/unmanaged feature.Document Vault | Folders Panel, Firm Manager Access, and Document OwnersWe’ve made several enhancements to the Document Vault to make sure advisors and investors can quickly and easily access critical documents.We’ve updated Document Vault to provide folders to organize documents. Folders default to  “All Documents,” “Reports,” “Invoices,” “Custodian,” “Uploaded by Me,” “Uploaded by Investor”. Firm Managers can now access all the documents in the Document Vault. The Document Vault now includes a new column in the document list that shows the document owner (uploaded or generated). Click here for more information on the new folders panel view. What’s ImprovedEnhance Holdings widget to display “Cost Basis” and “Unrealized Gains.” Improved labeling of household names when managing household settings. Improved logo placement interaction in the investor portal and mobile app. Adjusted permissions for editing households so that the Firm Manager role can no longer edit households unless they are also an Advisor of that household.


Release Notes: June 27, 2023

What’s New Advisor Experience | Display Cash Balance & Percent in Cash in AccountsOn the Accounts list page at the Firm, Advisor, and Household levels, we added two new columns: Cash Balance and % in Cash The Cash Balance column shows the balance of cash and cash equivalents in that account. The % in Cash column shows the percent of cash and cash equivalents in that account.Document Vault | Enhancements to document sharing experience & document accessWe improved the process to share documents between Advisors and Households. Now, if a document has not been shared with a Household, the Share Details page calls that out. The Share Details page also more quickly displays which Households a document has been shared. Our Documents by Household now also include Reports generated at the Account level for a particular Household. For example, if you generated a performance report for a single account in a Household with multiple accounts, the Account report is available in the Household’s list of documents.Client Experience | Mobile App Enhancements & ImprovementsWe released the following enhancements and fixes to the Investor mobile app. We expanded the types of files Users can upload to their Document Vault through the mobile app. Users will be able to upload the following file types: CSV (.csv); Doc (.doc, .docx, .rtf) Image (.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jfif, .png, .svg, .svgz) PDF (.pdf) PPT (.ppt, .pptx) Text (.txt) XLS (.xls, .xlsx) CSV, Doc, Images, PDF We added the ability for Users to download documents that are available in their Document Vault through the mobile app. This will give Users more flexibility around saving and viewing the documents in their Document Vault. Fixes and smaller enhancements include: Fixed Biometrics Login Bug: We fixed the issue where biometric login - fingerprint and face recognition - was working inconsistently for our mobile app. Biometric based logins will work consistently for Users who opt to use that feature. Yodlee: We released an update to better handle the Yodlee Fastlink 4.0 experience within our mobile app. This makes the process of adding held-away accounts smoother for Users. This release included multiple minor bug fixes and enhancements that improves the overall user experience and security of our mobile app.  What’s Coming Reporting | Next Generation ReportsWe’re very excited to announce that next month we’ll be releasing our next generation Client Reports and redesigned Reports landing page.  The new Client Reports will retain CircleBlack’s client-friendly look and feel but will feature an updated, modern design, improved data density, and streamlined configuration options. CircleBlack’s existing reports and report generation workflow will remain in place for approximately three months before they’ll be turned off. 


Release Notes: June 13, 2023

What’s New Client Experience | Enhancements to firm customization of Investor PortalWe added two enhancements to the preference that allows that Firms to customize the widgets on the Investor portal. The first is the functionality to allow or not allow Investor users to change the firm default layout. We added a checkbox under the Investor Experience Settings section in Firm Preferences. The second enhancement relates to MoneyGuide and Risk Partner integrations. Firms can now include the Financial Planning and Risk widgets as part of their firm default layout.  Click here for additional information.Reporting | Firm Daily ReportsCircleBlack offers the ability to send daily files of your firm’s essential account, position, and transaction data to an SFTP destination of your choice. We updated these daily files to further parse out key client information data like household emails and client address data.  Contact the Customer Success Team at to learn more our Firm Daily Reports. You can also click here for additional information.Accounts Architecture | Managed versus UnmanagedIn our last release, we announced that we can can start enabling Managed-Unmanaged functionality for interested firms. We had a great response and some excellent feedback! If your firm is interested in this capability, please reach out to the Customer Success Team at to have it enabled. Click here for additional information. What’s Coming Client Experience | Mobile App Enhancements & ImprovementsIn the next few weeks, we will be releasing enhancements and fixes to the Investor mobile app. We will be expanding the types of files Users can upload to their Document Vault through the mobile app. Users will be able to upload the following file types: CSV (.csv); Doc (.doc, .docx, .rtf) Image (.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jfif, .png, .svg, .svgz) PDF (.pdf) PPT (.ppt, .pptx) Text (.txt) XLS (.xls, .xlsx) CSV, Doc, Images, PDF We will also be adding the ability for Users to download documents that are available in their Document Vault through the mobile app. This will give Users more flexibility around saving and viewing the documents in their Document Vault. Fixes and smaller enhancements will include: Fixed Biometrics Login Bug: We will be fixing the issue where biometric login - fingerprint and face recognition - was working inconsistently for our mobile app. Biometric based logins will be be working consistently for Users who opt to use that feature. Yodlee: We will release an update to better handle the Yodlee Fastlink 4.0 experience within our mobile app. This makes the process of adding held-away accounts smoother for Users. This release will also include multiple minor bug fixes and enhancements that improves the overall user experience and security of our mobile app.


Release Notes: May 16, 2023

What’s New Client Experience | Firm customize widgets on Investor PortalWe added the ability for firms to control the widgets displayed to their clients in the Investor web portal. This allows firms to provide a customized Investor portal experience to their clients and highlight the information they want their clients see. Any user with firm-level access can access this feature by going to Settings -> Preferences and navigating down to Investor Experience Settings. Click here for additional information.Reporting | Summarized View of Income & Expense ReportWe enhanced the Income & Expense Report by adding a table with sub-totals of Income & Expenses generated for the report period included by default in all Income & Expense reports We also added an option to allow Advisors to choose to include the transaction details or not. Reporting | Provide option to add income generated from Options Trading to Income & Expense Report We also added Options Trading as an Activity Type in the Income & Expense Report. This will allow Advisors to show clients a summarized and/or detailed view of Options trading transactions that generated income.Advisor Dashboard | Additional BenchmarksWe added additional ETFs to the standard list of ETFs available as benchmarks: NASDAQ-100 QQQ Dow Jones DIA Russell 2000 IWM Emerging Markets VWO S&P Mid-Cap IHJ All Countries Ex US ACWX We also added the ability for Advisors share their blended benchmarks with other Firm Users


Release Notes: April 24, 2023

What’s Coming Soon Over the last month, the CircleBlack Product and Engineering teams have been hard at work building out extensive back-end architectural updates that pave the way for exciting front-end features and functionality that will be released in May and June. This weekend, we released those back-end updates.Significant back-end changes for Investor User AccessThis weekend’s release included significant back-end changes that will provide Advisors more flexibility in setting up clients' access to the Investor portal. We are targeting end of June for this functionality This includes the ability to associate multiple Investor user logins with a single Household, i.e. one login for each household member. It also will include the ability for an Investor user to access multiple Households, i.e. allow two business owners to access a shared corporate account while still keeping their own personal accounts private.Infrastructure updates to allow Firms to customize Investor Portal widgetsWe also released back-end infrastructure updates that will allow Firms to customize the widgets that display in the Investor web portal. We expect to release the front-end functionality later in May. Firms will be able to pick which widgets their clients can access and in what layout configuration.Accounts Architecture: Managed versus UnmanagedWe are adding functionality that allows Advisors to segregate Accounts they advise or manage directly for clients versus accounts that they do not. A clear example of this are the Accounts that come in to CircleBlack directly from your custodians like Schwab or Fidelity. These accounts will be tagged as Managed. When your clients login to the Investor portal to link and share their held-away accounts like an employer 401k, these accounts will be tagged as Unmanaged. Advisors have told us having this ability to distinguish between these account buckets is critical to conveying how they are delivering for their clients. The CircleBlack interface will allow Advisors to view Firm, Advisor, and Household account data across All, Managed, or Unmanaged Accounts. Reporting and the Investor portal will also include this distinction too.What’s Improved Speed of loading data on the Holdings WidgetWe optimized the speed of loading all the data the displays on this widget so when you or your clients navigate to the Household or Account dashboard, the holdings data displays just as quickly as all the other data on the dashboard.Enhanced the display of Model Names in the Investor PortalWe improved how model names are displayed in the Investor portal so your clients have a much clearer understanding of the models and strategies assigned to their accounts.


Release Notes: March 7, 2023

What’s New Reporting | Page Ordering FunctionalityWhen generating PDF Reports, Advisors now have the ability to select and save the order of the pages of their Reports.  Advisor Dashboard | Set Custom Time PeriodsIn the Balance tile widgets throughout the Advisor interface -- the Household, Account, and Group Dashboards -- Advisor users can now set and view the balance graph for a selected custom time range. Current functionality has allowed advisors to look at balances using fixed time periods like 1 Month or YTD. A forthcoming release will allow Advisor users to set a custom time period on the Performance tile.Client Experience | Set Household Preferences across multiple householdsOn the Households tile, we added a drop down to easily set preferences like performance methodology and Email Reports delivery across multiple households.Client Experience | View Model Names on Accounts in Investor PortalThe Investor portal will now display model names on accounts for firms that have models assigned to accounts.    What’s Improved Advisor Dashboard | Analyze Risk on Account GroupsAdvisor users can now analyze risk on Accounts Groups if you have an existing Risk partner integration.Reporting | User Experience ImprovementsWe updated the Default Settings logic to always load the latest default settings. We fixed an issue for Firm Manager users who were trying to generate reports for their own book of business; selecting their Advisor name now correctly filters on their households.


Release Notes: February 7, 2023

What’s New Client Experience | Firm Preferences Setting Performance Methodology & Type for Investor PortalWe added a firm-level preference that allows firm managers to set the performance methodology (TWR or DWR) and type (Gross or Net of Fees) in the Investor portal. Previously, the Investor portal performance methodology was only able to be set per household. Now, this functionality allows firms to set desired settings firm-wide. Click below for additional information: Advisor Dashboard | Setting Multiple Benchmarks in Performance WidgetWe added the ability for Advisors to assign multiple benchmarks in the Performance widget on the Household dashboard.  In a future release, we'll be adding this functionality to our Performance Reports. Click below for additional information:  What’s Improved Billing | Include & Exclude Household from Billing FunctionalityWe fixed the user experience on Engage > Household Billing page Now, if you select the "Include for Billing" checkbox, all accounts in the Household are marked to be included for billing. Similarly, if you de-select the "Include for Billing" checkbox, all accounts in the Household are not included for billing. Click below for additional information:Advisor Dashboard | Notifications for Bounced EmailsWithin our Notifications Bell icon, we’ve always showed the status of Reports generated. In this release, we added a notification for bounced emails. The most common bounced emails are Household Activation Emails sent by Advisors to client emails. If you’re activating households for the Investor portal, you can quickly check the Notifications to ensure the emails were delivered successfully.  


Release Notes: December 27, 2022

What’s New Advisor Dashboard | Enhance household and account Transaction widget The Transaction widget on the Household and Account dashboard includes: Date, Description, Type, Account, Institution, and Amount This enhancement adds the following new data points: Symbol, Quantity, and Price These new data points are also added to the Export Report functionality on the each dashboard page. See our Household Dashboard Overview guide for more information.Client Experience | Activate multiple households for Investor PortalWe added the ability for Advisors to activate multiple households to the Investor portal in a single workflow The activation process includes functionality to review invitation details like Client Name and Email before sending. See our how-to article for more details:    Client Experience | Blind copy compliance users on the Household Activation EmailsIf enabled, Firm Manager users with the Compliance feature will be able to set a preference that allows them to be blind copied on every Household activation email sent to clients for access to the Investor Portal. See our how-to article for more details:    What’s Improved Reporting | Enhanced performance reporting for accounts funded after first reporting dateOn PDF reports, we now display a start value of $0 for accounts funded after the start date of a report. For example, an account funded on 12/15 for a reporting period of 12/1 to 12/30 will show a starting value of $0 and show that the account’s funding as part of the report’s contribution column.Billing | Display and Filter # of Accounts Included for BillingOn the Household Billing page, we added a new column that shows the number of accounts included for billing in a given household. We also added a new filter that allows the Firm Manager or Operations Manager doing billing to filter on households depending on the number of accounts included for billing. Both of these functionality improvements will allow Billing users to more efficiently send accounts from CircleBlack into BillFin in preparation for quarterly or monthly billing.


Welcome to the pre-launch of our Community experience

Welcome to our new Community experience, a place for the advisors, firm managers, and operations teams that use our platform to come together to ask questions, share knowledge, submit ideas & requests, see our product roadmap, sign up for events, and more.We are currently in "pre-launch" phase, meaning that only some of the full suite of functionality we envision offering is currently available. We anticipate an official launch with the remaining functionality will occur this Spring, please stay tuned for that announcement.In the meantime, feel free to familiarize yourself with the community structure and browse the sections that are currently active, including:Knowledge base: Comprehensive set of guides and how-to's to help you get started using our platform and get the most out of the suite of capabilities and integrations we offer. Announcements: Includes release notes, product updates, and general announcements relevant for our customers. Product roadmap: See what we're working on now, what were building next, and what we've recently released. Contact support: Reach out to our customer support team with specific questions or issues.We anticipate our official launch this Spring will also include the following sections:Ideas: Help shape our product roadmap by sharing your ideas and upvoting on ideas that you like from others. Community groups: Ask questions and share knowledge about our platform with other advisors, firm managers, and operations teams. Events: Sign up for webinars and other events to learn how to get the most out of our platform. Feedback submission: Submit general feedback to our customer support team. Platform status: View the current status of our platform and see the incidence history.We hope you find our Community experience helpful, and we look forward to engaging with you further here in the months to come.-- CircleBlack Customer Success team

Release Notes: November 2022

CircleBlack Release Notes: November 30, 2022 What's New Recap | Advisor Householding Self-Service ToolsWe wanted to recap the number of Advisor Householding Self-Service Tools we've added to the Advisor Dashboard over the last few months. Advisor users can now do the following with Households: Move a Client from an Existing Household to another Household or to create a New Household Move one or more Accounts from one Client to another Client Remove Client from a Household Deactivate a Household Deactivate & Activate a Client Merge or combine Households For details on each of these, please see our complete set of Advisor Householding help articles or contact our Customer Success team at with any questions.Recap | Compliance WealthAlerts® | Large Contributions or WithdrawalsThis month we released a new WealthAlert® that tracks large contributions or withdrawals. If you're a Firm Manager user with the Compliance tab, you can turn on this Alert for your Advisors by clicking on the WealthAlerts® submenu, clicking on the Large Contribution/Withdrawal alert tile and selecting Enable for Advisors. For more details, check out the User Guide. What's ImprovedIn the release, we deployed a number of operational and system improvements to help ensure we continue to deliver you timely and accurate account data.CircleBlack Release Notes: November 15, 2022 What's New Advisor Householding Self-Service | Merge HouseholdsOver the last few months, we've released a number of updates to the Advisor Householding self-service functionality. Today, we're releasing the latest: the ability to merge or combine households. Merging existing households is one of the the most common requests we get from Advisors.  The functionality allows Advisors to move a client or group of clients from a household to another one -- and delete the "empty" household. For more details, please check out our user guide here. New WealthAlert® | Detailed Modal for Large Contributions or Withdrawals Two weeks ago, we released our newest WealthAlert® for identifying large contributions and withdrawals. In today's release, we added the transaction details directly in the alert modal. Our user guide details the alert and its functionality in more depth. What's Improved Performance Reports | Enhanced auto-correct on data issuesWe have enhanced our Performance Reports to auto-correct common data issues that previously prevented them from being generated. Please note that this may result in some reports taking a few minutes longer to complete.Firm/Branch-Level Account Groups | Unmap account from Advisors not removed from Firm/Branch-Level GroupWhen an account is removed from an advisor and the account also exist within a branch-level group, the account will only be removed from the account-level group and not the branch-level group.CircleBlack Release Notes: November 1, 2022 What's New New WealthAlert® | Large Contributions or WithdrawalsWe are releasing our newest WealthAlert® in the Advisor Dashboard which identifies large contributions or withdrawals in your clients' accounts that exceed the threshold amount for a given account. Firm-level users with the Compliance tab can turn on the new alert for their firm's Advisors. Firm Manager Login → Compliance → WealthAlerts® → Large Contribution/Withdrawal Advisors can customize the threshold that triggers the alert by % of Account Value or by Dollar Amount. The default threshold is set at 10% of the account value. Advisor Login → Settings Gear icon → Advisor Preferences → Alerts Note: once the Alert is enabled, the Alerts won't display until the following business day after our Overnight processing is completed. If you have questions about turning on the new alert, contact | Rebalancing | Add Cash Reserve DetailsIn our Rebalancing tool, we've added a Cash Reserve details button to the Account Details page to better surface the Cash Reserve set for each account.  Models → Rebalancing → click on any Account What's Improved Removed Account from Group when no longer mapped to AdvisorWhen unmapping an account from an advisor the account is automatically removed from any Account groups created by the advisor.

Release Notes: October 2022

CircleBlack Release Notes: October 18, 2022 What's New Generate Reports | Filter for Active or Inactive HouseholdsWe added a filter on the Households tab in the Generate Report workflow that allows Advisors to select Households that are either Active on the Investor portal or Inactive for the client portal. Advisors can use the filter to quickly generate and share reports for those households who have been activated to CircleBlack Investor. Similarly, for clients who are not on the client portal, Advisors can also efficiently generate their reports for their quarterly reviews or mailings. Advisor Householding | Deactivate/Activate ClientsWe added functionality that allows Advisor users to deactivate clients so they no longer populate in the Manage --> Clients page. This is especially useful for Firms that have historical data that includes clients with closed accounts or former clients. For more details, see the Deactivate Client and Activate Client help articles.What's Improved Weekly/Monthly Portfolio Summary Update Email | Improve Mobile ExperienceWe improved the display of the Weekly/Monthly Portfolio Summary Update Email on mobile devices.Advisor Dashboard | Risk Alerts Tile Donut ChartThe Risk Alert tile donut chart on the Advisor Dashboard has been fixed to properly display the number of households with Risk Scores too high, on target, and too low. CircleBlack Release Notes: October 4, 2022 What's New Advisor Dashboard | Institution Allocation Donut GraphThe order in which Institutions are listed in the donut graph now corresponds to the value of the assets held, starting with the highest value to the lowest.Reports | Reports Table DisplayIn the Reports table, additional columns for Preview and Download have been added, matching the display in the Document Vault.Document Vault | Document Details | Add Download ButtonWhen viewing a document in the Document Vault, a Download button has been added to the Document Details modal.New Asset Class Available | Intangible AssetsWe created a new asset class called Intangible Assets to handle any type of crypto-related securities that we may receive from our data feeds and data vendor partners.

Release Notes: September 2022

CircleBlack Release Notes: September 20, 2022 What's New Advisor Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) LoginAdvisors now have the ability to turn on Multi-Faction Authentication when logging in to CircleBlack Advisor. The preference is "off" by default but Advisors can turn it on under Advisor Preferences (Go to Settings gear icon --> Advisor Preferences --> in "General Preferences" select the check box to enable and choose your method (text or email). If you choose text, make sure you have your correct mobile phone set in your CircleBlack User Profile (Settings gear icon --> User Profile --> Edit).Document Vault: Upload additional file typesAdvisor and Investors can now upload a variety of different file types in addition to PDF files. Example file types include: CSV (.csv), Doc (.doc, .docx, .rtf), Image (.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jfif, .png, .svg, .svgz), PDF (.pdf), PPT (.ppt, .pptx), Text (.txt), and XLS (.xls, .xlsx) For a complete overview of the upload functionality and the Document Vault, visit our User Guide here.Improved PDF Report DisplayWe improved the display of tables on PDF reports, particularly for holdings or accounts with especially long names. The data now wraps in an elegant and logical way and no longer overlaps on the report footer.  CircleBlack Release Notes: September 6, 2022 What's New Document Vault user interfaceWe improved the Advisor and Investor Document Vault experience by adding preview and download icons for all documents.Historically Deactivate AccountsAdvisors now have the option to deactivate accounts historically which would remove a deactivated account’s history from the Advisor and Investor dashboards and all calculations. For more information on deactivating accounts, please see our How To Guide. 

Release Notes: August 2022

CircleBlack Release Notes: August 23, 2022 What's New Income Report renamed to "Income & Expense Report"The previously released Income Report has been renamed the "Income and Expense Report" to more accurately reflect the report's detailsGenerate Report OptionsThe Net Worth and Income & Expense Report have been added to the available report options when a user clicks the Generate Report button on the Household and Account Info tiles.What's Fixed Totaled Holdings ReportWe fixed an issue in the Excel version of the Totaled Holdings Report that was displaying "$NaN” for Asset Class Totals.CircleBlack Release Notes: August 9, 2022 What's New Advisor Householding Self-Service ToolsThe Household is a central data view in the CircleBlack Advisor platform. Households allow Advisors to view a consolidate portfolio view of their clients' accounts, provide access to the Investor portal, and synch CircleBlack data with our Risk, Financial Planning, CRM, and Billing integration partners. If Advisors needed to move clients or accounts from one household to another, they needed to contact our Customer Success team. Now, in this release, we added Advisor householding self-service tools to enable Advisors to have more control over how they organize and view the Households and Accounts they manage. Learn more in our Advisor Householding user guide.New Report Option: Net Worth ReportThe Net Worth Report displays a Household’s assets and liabilities by account. To learn more, check out the Net Worth Report user guide.Adding Advisor Name to Assistant ViewDisplays the name of the Advisor in the header of the Advisor Dashboard that the Assistant user is assisting.What's Fixed Advisor Accounts ReportWhen exporting a list of your accounts under management from the Accounts page, the exported report will now include each account's account or rep code.  From your Dashboard, find your Accounts tile, expand the Accounts tile and click on the "Reports" icon in the upper right corner of the Accounts page.Account-level Report ParametersWhen generating a report for an individual Account, the "Accounts" and "Net Worth" parameter options will not display. Previously, when an Advisor would generate an Account-level report, the "Accounts" option would display as a choice -- even though it was not a valid option.

Release Notes: July 2022

CircleBlack Release Notes: July 26, 2022 What's New New Report Option: Income ReportThe Income Report allows Advisors to review the sources of income and expenses in their clients' portfolio in order to communicate how their investment strategy generates passive income for their clients. For more details, please see our user guide article.What's Fixed Assistant Dashboard - Advisor HouseholdsWe fixed an issue on the Assistant Dashboard in which it was showing a total number of  households that included households that have all accounts deactivated. This differed from the view that Firm Managers have when they click on the Firm View and see the Advisors table which includes the number of households and total assets mapped to a particular advisor. In this view, households that have all accounts deactivated are not counted in the number of households under an advisor. As additional context, in the Advisor UI, households that have all accounts deactivated do not display in the Households Tile and are not included in any overall count of Firm or Advisor data. Similarly, accounts that are deactivated do not display in the Advisor UI. For more information about Deactivating Accounts, please see our user guide article.Exposure Chart We fixed an issue on the Exposure tile in which "Asset Class" was the only exposure category that would display even if another category was selected.Login FlowWe corrected an issue on the Set Password page that was allowing users to submit a new password even if the new password and the confirmation password did not match -- which resulted in an error. Now, if the passwords do not match, the user will not be able to press the submit button.CircleBlack Release Notes: July 12, 2022 What's New Advisor-Household Risk Number UpdateCircleBlack has updated how a Risk Partner's risk number displays in CircleBlack. Previously, the Risk number displayed on the household level was always based on all of the accounts in the household. Now, the Risk number is based on the Advisor-to-Household relationship. In other words, the Advisor will only see the Risk number based on the accounts they advise in a household. For more information, please see our User Guide.View Model Assignments on AccountsAdvisor users can now view models assigned to accounts on the Accounts List page (by expanding the Accounts tile) and on the Rebalancing Accounts page. What's Fixed Activating Households and not sending the Welcome EmailAdvisor users who do not want to send CircleBlack's Household Activation "Welcome Email" to their clients can now activate Households without having to contact our Client Services team to do so. Advisors can simply press the Activate button for a household and the household will be able to create a password and login to our Investor portal. Specifically, this helps firms who want to send an invitation from their own email marketing service to clients for the CircleBlack Investor portal.  Feel free to contact Client Services at if you are interested in this updated feature.