What’s New
Client Experience | Add TWR Performance Option to Investor Portal
- Adds a preference that allows the Advisor to choose the performance calculation methodology by household in the Investor portal to be either time-weighted return or dollar-weighted return.
Reporting | Display Cumulative Performance
- Advisors will see a new checkbox preference titled Annualize Returns Greater than 1 Year. If Advisors want a report with cumulative performance numbers, they’ll be able to deselect this checkbox when generating the report.
- Additionally, the report’s disclosures will replace the annualized disclosure language to state: “Returns are calculated on a cumulative basis for all reporting periods.”
What’s Improved
Reporting | Rebalance Proposal Report
- We improved the display of the Rebalance Proposal Report within our Models & Rebalancing functionality.
- If Advisors have Models assigned to Accounts, they can generate a PDF report showing the account’s current allocation and the model’s allocation. For more details, see: