Release Notes: June 18, 2024

What’s New Advisor Dashboard | View & Edit Clients within an Associated HouseholdA new table in the Advisor Dashboard now gives advisors the ability to easily view all clients associated with a Household grouping from the Household Dashboard, including the Client Name, Relationship, and Total Assets.  All of the columns are sortable.  This update also enables advisors to quickly edit information related to their clients. Click here to read more about this new feature. Click here for more details on using household preferences in performance reporting. What’s Improved Document Vault | Security Enhancements for Document Uploads The DocVault has been enhanced with added security for document uploads.  Upon a document being uploaded to the DocVault, CircleBlack has implemented a check to validate not just the file size and file extension to ensure the file is truly the file type it claims to be, but also a check to validate the content of the file to ensure there is nothing malicious contained therein.  If such a case is encountered, the user will be prevented from uploading the invalid document on the front end.  By enforcing proper file content validation, CircleBlack ensures the web application is unable to execute malicious code upon the upload of a supported file type. Click here for more information on the Document Vault Security Enhancement. What’s Fixed Advisor Dashboard & Reporting | Improved Logic for Nitrogen Risk ScoresImproved logic for Nitrogen Risk Scores alerts advisors when Actual and Target Risk Scores are not in alignment.  The improved logic will be reflected in Nitrogen Risk Scores appearing in the Advisor Dashboard and V2 Reports.Investor Portal | Displaying Cumulative Performance The user interface has been updated so that, when the Cumulative Returns option is selected as the Household’s preference, Cumulative Performance will be shown in the Investor Portal.  Indicators of this can be found within the Performance and Holdings widgets.

Release Notes: January 16, 2024

What's New Client Experience | Investor Portal User creation expanded to Branch Manager and Advisor usersPreviously, Firm Managers users were only able to create Investor Portal Users in order to provide additional login access for their firm’s clients.  Now, we have added the Investor Portal User tool for Firms with Branch Managers or Advisors. Branch Managers and Advisors can click on Manage → Investor Portal Users to step through the workflow of creating additional client logins. Click here for more details.Reporting | Export household performance data at Firm levelIn our last release, we added the ability for Firms to view a list of their households’ performance returns under the firm balance graph. Now, Firm Managers can export this household performance data into a consolidated report to quickly and easily review performance over a specified time period.  Click here for more details. Advisor Dashboard | Preference for cumulative or annualized returns on dashboardWe added an Advisor Preference that lets advisor users see either annualized or cumulative performance for returns greater than 1 year.  Previously, the dashboard only displayed annualized returns greater than 1 year and the preference was only available on Reports.What's Improved Reporting | Preview report color & improved report parameters groupingPreviously, Firm Managers have been able to set a custom theme color on PDF reports. In this release, we added functionality that allows Firm Managers to quickly preview the report in order to easily confirm or adjust the custom color. On the Report parameters page, we moved the Multi-Period Performance parameter from the General section to the Performance section. Additionally, asset class target parameters will now show under Asset Class Breakdown.Advisor Dashboard | Firm Managers can activate households of their Branches and AdvisorsIn a previous release, we added the ability for Firm Manager users to household on behalf of their Branches and Advisors.  This release gives Firm Managers the functionality to activate households of branches and advisors to the Investor portal. 

Release Notes: January 5, 2024

What’s New Client/Investor Experience | MoneyGuide TileCircleBlack’s MoneyGuide integration now provides a UI tile in the client/investor portal that can display the client/investor’s Probability of Success score and/or gives SSO access into MoneyGuide depending on the configuration, increasing engagement and customer satisfaction.Reports | Bulk DownloadsIn addition to the existing ways of downloading and sharing reports, we’ve added the ability to download multiple reports at a time, saving advisors time. What’s Improved Advisor Experience | Add New Advisor, Firm-Level Performance, and Holdings TableWhen adding a New Advisor or Assistant, we’ve enhanced the loading icon to make sure it’s more visible, making it clear the system is working, reducing confusion and the creation of duplicates caused by advisors accidentally reloading the page and/or resubmitting requests.  To ensure Firm Managers have quick access to the information they need, household performance can now be viewed from the balance widget on the firm dashboard. To make it easier to intuit creating households, when the householding table is empty we’ve added a shortcut to “Add Clients” so Advisors can start building households right away.Integrations | BlazeWe’ve separated the steps of assigning Models to accounts and generating trade proposals to bring the account in line with the model, making it easier for advisors to see the potential impact of a model and receive drift alert notifications without making changes to any assets. Advisors can now view and access the Models page without turning on the rebalancing features, making it more straightforward for advisors to find the functionality they need without adding menu items they don’t need/want. 

Release Notes: November 1, 2023

What's New DocVault | Bulk UploadsLast release we brought you bulk downloads, this week we’re releasing the complimentary bulk uploads. Advisors and Firm Managers will find the Add Documents workflow now supports bulk uploads, making adding multiple documents at once significantly easier and faster.  Click here for more details.Bulk uploads are limited to 20 files at a time. This feature supports the following file types; jpg, jiff, png, svg, csv, doc, rtf, pdf, ppt, txt, and xls.   Advisor Experience | Knowledge BotTo help make sure users have the right information at their fingertips when using the system, we’ve implemented a Knowledge Bot within the UI.Users will find a small blue icon in the lower right Clicking this icon will give access to key information, such as Knowledge Base content, Guides, and Release Notes.What's Improved Billing | Household BillingAdvisors will be able to select all managed accounts for billing from the Household billing page. Updated Household billing details page to include Managed/Unmanaged indicatorReports | Page Order, Search, & Asset Class LabelsFixed bug which caused the "Performance by Asset Class" page to display in the wrong order. Advisors searching for Reports can now search with a chosen time period. (1 year is set as the default period shown) Added descriptive labels for the donut charts on the Asset Class Analysis page.Integrations | BlazeUsers will now be able to SSO directly into Blaze Portfolio from the Advisor experience. What's Fixed Advisor Dashboard | Tax LotsIf your custodian is Schwab, FMR, or Pershing, you will now see Tax Lot data in the Advisor dashboards.

Release Notes: October 6, 2023

What's New Advisor & Investor Experience | Light ModeLight mode is here! We heard your feedback - you asked and we delivered.Users, both Advisors-side and Client-side, can now toggle between light mode and dark mode for their experience. The option is in the top-left of the Advisor/Client preferences page. For more information, click here for Advisor Light Mode and click here for Client Light Mode. (Note: Advisors previewing the Client experience will preview the Client UI in the mode the Client has selected. For example, an Advisor who has the dark theme view for themselves previews a Client using the light theme - the Advisor will see the Client UI in the light theme.) Reports | New "My Reports" SectionWe're continuing to add functionality to the new(ish) report building suite. Thanks for all the great feedback; keep it coming. Users will now find a "My Reports" section on the Reports landing page, which contains all the custom templates the user has created. Click here for more information. What's Improved DocVault | Sharing NotificationsAdvisors, Clients, and Firm Managers will now receive a notification whenever a document is immediately shared, indicated by a yellow circle on the bell icon in the top right of the UI. Click here for more information. When an Advisor shares a document with a Client, the Firm Manager will get a notification they have an approval to make. When the Firm Manager approves the sharing then the Client will get a notification in their UI that a document has been shared.  What's Fixed Reports | Income and ExpenseFixed a bug that was incorrectly calculating net income and expenses.  

Release Notes: September 28, 2023

What's Improved Advisor Experience | Simplified Client ActivationTo help save Advisors time and ensure Advisors can deliver exceptional client experiences, we’ve streamlined the process for adding and activating client users.We've added an "Activate" button at the end of the “Add Investor User” workflow, so that after a client is added to the system the Advisor can go directly to the activation page. (Previously, Advisors would add a user, save the user, and then navigate to the Activate page and activate the newly created user from there.)Advisor Dashboard | Custom Global Time Periods  In the last few releases, we've given Advisors the ability to configure and save the global time period for all their widgets in the Dashboard. We're extending those capabilities by adding custom time periods to the global options. With the right data in the right format at your fingertips, you can deliver more value to your clients. Advisors can select and set a “Custom” timeframe from the Global selector, and on the Holdings and Transactions widget. (Previously, the “Custom” option was available in only the Balance and Performance widgets.) What's Fixed Reporting | Scheduled Reports not being deliveredFixed a bug that prevented Weekly/Monthly Email Reports from being sent to Investor users.DocVault | Billfin folder appearing for non-Billfin usersFixed an issue that caused the Billfin folder within Docvault to display for non-Billfin users. 

Release Notes: September 5, 2023

 What's New In-App Notifications | Release NotesContinuing our efforts to provide RIAs with the best possible user experience, we’re implementing guides and notifications in the CircleBlack platform user experience. In the future, you’ll be able to get task-specific instructions and in-app training for features and functions, saving you time and helping you get more value from CircleBlack. For now, we’re starting with notifications!The first time Advisors, Firm Managers, and other non-Investor users log into CircleBlack after a release they will see a one-time pop-up with a brief description of the changes and a link to the full release notes.  Reports v2 | New Reports Landing Page We're excited to release new functionality for Reports v2, which is already getting excellent customer feedback due to the ease of generating reports and the options for customization. Keep the feedback coming!We've released a new Reports Landing Page with bright, informative thumbnails illustrating the report type. Reports v2 can be found under the top section of the reports landing page under Client Portfolio Reports. Click here for more information. We've added an option to the custom color theme controls, released two weeks ago, to reset a Frim's report theme color to the default CircleBlack Blue. What's Improved Advisor UI | Household activation & Default Time PeriodsThe Household activation interface has been tweaked to ensure that when Advisors are activating Households in bulk, they can only select those Households they are assigned, preventing errors in the activation workflow. In the last release, we introduced global time periods to make it easy to update all time-bound widgets at once. Now, we're adding the ability for Advisors to save their preferred time periods as a default, ensuring that their preferred view will be retained when they return. Click here for more information.

CircleBlack Update: TD-Schwab Conversion -- Expected Delays from Schwab on Wed, Sept 6 and beyond

We wanted to share a message that Schwab published earlier this week to all their vendor partners regarding the delivery of Schwab files following their Labor Day Weekend TD conversion. On Wednesday, September 6 -- the first day that Schwab will deliver both their newly converted TD files along with existing Schwab files for September 5 market close -- Schwab expects a 3-4 hour delay in the delivery of their files given the greatly increased volume in files.Given the delayed file delivery from Schwab and an extra quality assurance process CircleBlack is implementing to handle the new files on the morning of September 6, we do not expect updated Schwab data to be available in CircleBlack until the evening of September 6.Schwab also shared that for the following days after Wednesday, September 6 to expect at least a 2 hour delay in the delivery of their files. CircleBlack has added computing and process capacity to handle the increased file volume but we wanted to set expectations given these forthcoming delays from Schwab.Given the expected delays next week, we advise that if you need to run a client report, we suggest generating the report with an “As of” date of September 1 or earlier. We will continue to communicate how CircleBlack is handling the TD-Schwab conversion and advise of any changes or updates to our plan. We appreciate your patience and partnership through this transition.Below is Schwab’s message delivered to all vendor partners earlier this week:Due to the millions of additional TD Ameritrade Institutional accounts converting to Schwab over Labor Day weekend, we anticipate the following impact to delivery times:For September 5 data files: Due to one-time conversion-related processing, we expect the core broker-dealer and cost basis files to be available 3-4 hours later than usual. For September 6 data files and for the foreseeable future: We expect the core broker-dealer and cost basis files to be available to you approximately 2 hours later than usual.Please keep in mind that these timeframes are estimates and actual file availability could vary.While the files will be available by the time of our Service Level Agreement of 8:30 am ET, we realize that this is later than you are accustomed to receiving them. We will monitor delivery of files post conversion and continue to do everything we can to process and deliver the files as fast as possible. We hope these changes do not cause any inconvenience to your current processing schedule. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns at you for working with us through this transition.The Schwab Integration Team 

CircleBlack Update: TD-Schwab Conversion over Labor Day Weekend (Sept. 2-4, 2023)

As firms and advisors that custody your clients' accounts at TD Ameritrade, we wanted to provide you an overview of CircleBlack’s preparations for the TD-Schwab conversion this upcoming Labor Day Weekend (Sept 2-4) and what to expect once the conversion is complete.Our headline message is that once the conversion process is complete, when you log in to CircleBlack, your TD accounts will simply become Schwab Institutional accounts. That means when you click into an account in CircleBlack, you will have the full and continuous account history and performance data from when the account was at TD.To that end, there will be no changes to your firm’s assets under management, no changes to your Account Code mappings, no changes to your households or account groups, no changes to your clients' Investor portal experiences, and no changes to how we send your account data to our integration partners. In effect, it will feel like you have had your accounts at Schwab for as long as you’ve had them at TD.To provide this seamless transition to Schwab, the CircleBlack Data and Operations teams have been receiving and processing files from Schwab over the last two months that map your TD rep codes and accounts to Schwab’s masters and accounts. These mapping files form the foundation of the transition. We also map all the underlying position and security data to Schwab’s data format. We are finalizing our pre-conversion tests in a non-production environment to ensure the Schwab cutover runs as expected.We know this conversion to Schwab has been a long time coming and challenging for firms. Our goal at CircleBlack is to make this transition as straightforward for you as possible. Below are some FAQs, and if you would like to schedule a call or ask us any questions directly, please reach out to CircleBlack’s Head of Customer Success, Matt Valkovic, at When can I expect my accounts to show as Schwab accounts in CircleBlack?A: On Saturday, September 2, after we process the final daily files from TD Ameritrade, we will execute our conversion process to convert account numbers, rep codes/master account numbers, and security identifiers. Those changes will be visible through our systems sometime during that day. The changes will be incremental rather than happening simultaneously, so you may see some data points changed but not others while our conversion process is in progress.Q: We use your BillFin integration – what impact will the conversion have on our billing process?A: BillFin will execute their conversion in parallel, so billing can be run as usual post-conversion. We strongly urge that no billing be run on Saturday, September 2nd, while each organization runs its conversion processes. We also recommend that no billing be run on the 3rd or 4th to allow all organizations to test their conversion processes and address any follow-up issues.Q: Accounts from CircleBlack push into my integration partners – will those partners update the data to Schwab accounts?A: We have analyzed each of our integrations and determined the appropriate plan of action. In general, each partner will perform a parallel conversion based on data provided directly by Schwab or CircleBlack.Q: What happens if there’s an issue during the conversion? Is there a backup plan?A: CircleBlack is extensively testing its conversion process prior to conversion weekend. We will handle most unexpected issues over the conversion weekend in real-time before the markets reopen on Tuesday, September 5th. In the worst case, if necessary, we will restore our systems to their pre-conversion state, leave TD accounts as of September 1st close of business while we resolve any issues, then re-run the conversion process and catch up with daily file processing.

Release Notes: August 22, 2023

What’s Improved Advisor UI | Customization and StreamliningTo make comparisons easy and reduce clicking, Advisors can now change the time period globally from a dropdown at the top of the page rather than individually on time-bound dashboard tiles. Click here for more details. To ensure Advisors can quickly get to relevant information, Firm Managers can choose if the Dashboard displays Firm View or My Portfolio View for Advisors. To make it more intuitive to manage Households, the “Householding” button used to create new Households has been moved from the Manage < Clients tab to the Manage < Households tab. DocVault | Alerts and notificationsTo make it easier to see when new documents have been uploaded, the Folders on DocVault now display a yellow icon to the left of the item count text when documents have been added. Click here for more details. Asset categories (from Morningstar) | Intangible Asset TypeTo better address users' different assets, we’ve added Intangible Assets as a category for manual assets. Click here for more details on Asset Classes. Reports v2 | EnhancementsBuilding reports that suit Advisors' needs is now simpler, as Advisors can save preferred benchmarks as part of custom report templates. When selecting holdings pages on the Report Parameters screen, Advisors will find tooltips that detail what will be included in the report. We’ve increased the readability of charts by updating the colors used to represent the different Broad Asset Classes. Integrations | Blaze PortfolioWe’ve made it easier for Advisors to navigate to Blaze Portfolio by adding a new point of entry on the Integrations page.   

Release Notes: August 8, 2023

What’s New Reports v2 | Customization and PersonalizationFor those firms we’ve enabled, we’ve had great feedback about our Reports v2 - thank you to everybody who let us know what they like and where they’d like more. This sprint, we’ve released a couple of upgrades:Firm Managers can now set a firm-wide Report Theme Color within V2 Reports by picking from a color palette or entering RGBA, hex, or HSLA values. Click here for more information. We’ve added an option under the Parameters step of report generation, allowing users to select between Landscape or Portrait orientation for the report. We expect to release Reports v2 to all firms in the coming weeks.Client Experience | Mobile app: multiple users can access householdContinuing our focus on our mobile users, we’ve deployed two quality-of-life improvements:Investor Portal users with access to multiple households can now easily switch between households within the app, making it easier to obtain information needed without having to log out and log in again as different users.  Mobile users can now manage their profile details (e.g., name/email/phone number) and preferences (e.g., two-factor authentication preferences) from within the app. What’s Improved In the Document Vault, the “By Household” document view has been moved to the left navigation as one of Folders options, directly under “All Documents,” and removed from the tabs at the top of the page. 

Release Notes: August 1, 2023

Special Release! Next-Generation Reports from CircleBlack CircleBlack is delighted to release the first phase of our next-generation Reports v2.The first phase -- our “Beta Version” -- includes a refreshed look-and-feel to our PDF reports, a more streamlined process for generating reports using templates, and additional parameters for more intuitive grouping of data. In the coming weeks, we’ll be introducing a new report Landing page that will allow Advisors to easily create and re-use report templates as well as the ability to customize report cover pages.When Advisors login and go through the normal Report generation workflow, look for the “Client Portfolio Report - Beta Version” in the Report type drop down menu. Reports generated from this option will have the new look and feel and the new template workflow.    An important note: the existing CircleBlack PDF reports will remain in place alongside the new reports for the next few months as we continue to rollout our new reporting features. Many thanks to our customers who participated in and guided the design and development of these reporting tools, and, of course, to the many individuals and teams at CircleBlack who contributed to this milestone as we strive to be the most customer-focused and easiest to work with Advisor Platform.Let us know what you think! Please send feedback to the Customer Success Team at Phase 1 - Reports v2 Highlights: Updated the look and feel of reports, improving clarity and reducing content spilling over pages. Increased data density ensures the information you want is front and center. Additional parameters for developing reports, including the ability to choose multiple parameters to use as parent/sub-groupings. Savable and editable custom templates - once configured to their liking, advisors can choose to update the current template or save the configuration as a new template.To get started with Reports v2, click here.For a general overview of Reports v2 and update Reporting help articles, click here.