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We wanted to provide an update on our post-TD/Schwab conversion efforts at CircleBlack as of Thursday, September 7, 2023:

  • Over Labor Day weekend, we successfully updated TD accounts and rep codes to be Schwab accounts and masters.
  • Yesterday, Wednesday, Sept. 6, we successfully ingested the newly converted Schwab files for September 5 close-of-market data. Our Data and Operations teams carefully stepped through our planned quality assurances processes to link new Schwab positions with the existing position data across all our firms and environments.
    • There may be minor data issues as a result of some of the differences in how TD and Schwab handle cash and cash-related securities but we are continuing work through those issues.
    • Accounts were updated with 9/5 market values late last night.
  • Today and over the next several days, Advisors should expect Schwab accounts to be updated by mid-day Eastern time given the delayed file delivery from Schwab and our continued to data quality assurance checks.
    • Note that performance calculations will be available for Household and Accounts. Holding or position-level performance calculations will be caught up over the next few days.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at

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