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What's New


Client Experience | Investor Portal User creation expanded to Branch Manager and Advisor users

  • Previously, Firm Managers users were only able to create Investor Portal Users in order to provide additional login access for their firm’s clients. 
  • Now, we have added the Investor Portal User tool for Firms with Branch Managers or Advisors. Branch Managers and Advisors can click on Manage → Investor Portal Users to step through the workflow of creating additional client logins.
  • Click here for more details.

Reporting | Export household performance data at Firm level

  • In our last release, we added the ability for Firms to view a list of their households’ performance returns under the firm balance graph.
  • Now, Firm Managers can export this household performance data into a consolidated report to quickly and easily review performance over a specified time period. 
  • Click here for more details. 

Advisor Dashboard | Preference for cumulative or annualized returns on dashboard

  • We added an Advisor Preference that lets advisor users see either annualized or cumulative performance for returns greater than 1 year. 
  • Previously, the dashboard only displayed annualized returns greater than 1 year and the preference was only available on Reports.

What's Improved


Reporting | Preview report color & improved report parameters grouping

  • Previously, Firm Managers have been able to set a custom theme color on PDF reports. In this release, we added functionality that allows Firm Managers to quickly preview the report in order to easily confirm or adjust the custom color.
  • On the Report parameters page, we moved the Multi-Period Performance parameter from the General section to the Performance section. Additionally, asset class target parameters will now show under Asset Class Breakdown.

Advisor Dashboard | Firm Managers can activate households of their Branches and Advisors

  • In a previous release, we added the ability for Firm Manager users to household on behalf of their Branches and Advisors. 
  • This release gives Firm Managers the functionality to activate households of branches and advisors to the Investor portal. 
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