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What’s New


Advisor Dashboard | View & Edit Clients within an Associated Household

  • A new table in the Advisor Dashboard now gives advisors the ability to easily view all clients associated with a Household grouping from the Household Dashboard, including the Client Name, Relationship, and Total Assets.  All of the columns are sortable.  This update also enables advisors to quickly edit information related to their clients.
  • Click here to read more about this new feature.
  • Click here for more details on using household preferences in performance reporting.


What’s Improved


Document Vault | Security Enhancements for Document Uploads

  • The DocVault has been enhanced with added security for document uploads.  Upon a document being uploaded to the DocVault, CircleBlack has implemented a check to validate not just the file size and file extension to ensure the file is truly the file type it claims to be, but also a check to validate the content of the file to ensure there is nothing malicious contained therein.  If such a case is encountered, the user will be prevented from uploading the invalid document on the front end.  By enforcing proper file content validation, CircleBlack ensures the web application is unable to execute malicious code upon the upload of a supported file type.
  • Click here for more information on the Document Vault Security Enhancement.


What’s Fixed


Advisor Dashboard & Reporting | Improved Logic for Nitrogen Risk Scores

  • Improved logic for Nitrogen Risk Scores alerts advisors when Actual and Target Risk Scores are not in alignment.  The improved logic will be reflected in Nitrogen Risk Scores appearing in the Advisor Dashboard and V2 Reports.

Investor Portal | Displaying Cumulative Performance

  • The user interface has been updated so that, when the Cumulative Returns option is selected as the Household’s preference, Cumulative Performance will be shown in the Investor Portal.  Indicators of this can be found within the Performance and Holdings widgets.
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