CircleBlack Release Notes: July 26, 2022
What's New
New Report Option: Income Report
- The Income Report allows Advisors to review the sources of income and expenses in their clients' portfolio in order to communicate how their investment strategy generates passive income for their clients. For more details, please see our user guide article.
What's Fixed
Assistant Dashboard - Advisor Households
- We fixed an issue on the Assistant Dashboard in which it was showing a total number of households that included households that have all accounts deactivated.
- This differed from the view that Firm Managers have when they click on the Firm View and see the Advisors table which includes the number of households and total assets mapped to a particular advisor. In this view, households that have all accounts deactivated are not counted in the number of households under an advisor.
- As additional context, in the Advisor UI, households that have all accounts deactivated do not display in the Households Tile and are not included in any overall count of Firm or Advisor data. Similarly, accounts that are deactivated do not display in the Advisor UI.
- For more information about Deactivating Accounts, please see our user guide article.
Exposure Chart
- We fixed an issue on the Exposure tile in which "Asset Class" was the only exposure category that would display even if another category was selected.
Login Flow
- We corrected an issue on the Set Password page that was allowing users to submit a new password even if the new password and the confirmation password did not match -- which resulted in an error. Now, if the passwords do not match, the user will not be able to press the submit button.
CircleBlack Release Notes: July 12, 2022
What's New
Advisor-Household Risk Number Update
- CircleBlack has updated how a Risk Partner's risk number displays in CircleBlack.
- Previously, the Risk number displayed on the household level was always based on all of the accounts in the household. Now, the Risk number is based on the Advisor-to-Household relationship. In other words, the Advisor will only see the Risk number based on the accounts they advise in a household.
- For more information, please see our User Guide.
View Model Assignments on Accounts
- Advisor users can now view models assigned to accounts on the Accounts List page (by expanding the Accounts tile) and on the Rebalancing Accounts page.
What's Fixed
Activating Households and not sending the Welcome Email
- Advisor users who do not want to send CircleBlack's Household Activation "Welcome Email" to their clients can now activate Households without having to contact our Client Services team to do so.
- Advisors can simply press the Activate button for a household and the household will be able to create a password and login to our Investor portal. Specifically, this helps firms who want to send an invitation from their own email marketing service to clients for the CircleBlack Investor portal.
- Feel free to contact Client Services at if you are interested in this updated feature.